Keta-Akatsi Diocesan Homecoming and Family Gathering: July 2024.


The Diocesan Family Gathering is here again. The faithful, home and abroad have gathered to celebrate and raise funds to support the progress and projects of the Diocese.

This year, the focus is on the renovation of the Sacred Heart Shrine at Dzodze-Tornu.

The Bishop, Most Rev. Gabriel Edoe Kumordji, SVD in a brief speech appreciated the efforts of the faithful in always coming to celebrate this event.

The Bishop added that, Homecoming in the coming years will be extended to all, including those who were baptised but have left the Catholic faith, those who attended our Catholic Schools and are prominent in society, they all need to come back home.
The Bishop also asked all to pledge to maintaining peace in the upcoming 2024 General Elections. By this, he led the gathering in praying the Prayer of Peace (Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi).
He continued to encourage all on the need to support the Diocese with funds and resources.
He further entreated all to see the need to support the Sacred Heart Shrine project
‘The presence of the Sanctuary of God in our midst is the presence of Yahweh Himself’ (Exodus 25:2-8), he added.
The Bishop, in his speech encouraged the gathering to continue their good works in supporting their respective Parishes. He asked them to extend that benevolence to the Diocesan project of renovating and expanding the Sacred Heart Shrine.

In attendance, is the representatives of all Parishes and Quasi parishes/Stations, Priests and Religious of the Diocese, home and abroad.