Priestly Ordination: 17th August 2024-St. Francis of Assisi Quasi Parish, Ave-Dapka.


This year, the Keta-Akatsi Diocese is blessed with Three Deacons who are being ordained into the priesthood at the St. Francis of Assisi Quasi Parish, Ave-Dapka.

  1. Rev. David Yao TAY
  2. Rev. Clifford Selinam AGBITOR
  3. Rev. Roger Yaw GOVINA, SC
    While the first two are from Keta-Akatsi Diocese and will work in the Diocese, Rev. Roger is from the Keta-Akatsi but being ordained for the Congregation of Servants of Charity, yet he will be appointed to work in the Keta-Akatsi Diocese.

The Ordaining Bishop, Most Rev. Gabriel Edoe KUMORDJI, SVD, the Bishop of the Diocese added his voice to that of the Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Justin Hary BARAWUSU, reiterating the fact that, this year’s Ordination is historic for the people of Ave-Dapka because it is the first of its kind.

In his Homily, the Bishop encouraged all to understand that we cannot be Ordaining young men almost every year into the priesthood and allow our young men and women (youth) to leave the Church rendering the Catholic population to go lower.

Our journey to the priesthood and even the Christian journey can be hard, but God is always giving us joy.
We become true messengers of that joy to all we meet especially in a world of sadness and despair.

The Lord did not call us to be in dispute with one another. He called us to love to the extent of laying down our lives for others. Love goes with sacrifice.
To the Deacons, the Bishop admonished them to lay down their lives for the faithful for whom they are being ordained. Walk in a manner worthy of the calling you have received, the Bishop added.
Your relationship with the people must be a good one, journey with them, let them feel your presence. Don’t seek to be higher than them, rather serve them.
Simply be seen doing what the Lord has told you, by that, you become his friends: ‘you are my friends if you do what I command you’.

The Bishop further speaks to the problem of the time as far as youth ministry is concerned highlighting:

  1. Do not neglect the youth, let them understand the quality of education the Catholic Church offers.
  2. Let them be convinced that they have a place in the Church.
  3. Don’t take the youth for granted. Be concerned about their Pastoral care.

If you want to be effective in your Priestly ministry, be prayerful, celebrate the liturgy as a work of the Church: don’t seek to change what the Church has maintained all these years; the liturgy is not a private act, but a public act of the Church, the Bishop insisted.

We are appointed to bear fruits that will abide.
To bear fruit is to be untied with the Lord always as the main vine. As good branches, nothing can separate us from the love of God. We are able to endure all hardships because we are more than conquerors.
Be worthy of what you celebrate, believe what you teach and practice what you preach. Ordaining these our brothers properly makes them worthy to celebrate the Sacraments.
As you consecrate the bread and wine, consecrate yourselves as well.
At about 11:20am the Consecratory prayer was concluded to solidify the Ordination rites thereby making our Three Deacons properly ordained as:

Rev. Fr. David Yao TAY

Rev. Fr. Clifford Selinam AGBITOR

Rev. Fr. Roger Yaw GOVINA.

Having been invested with the Chasubles our newly ordained Priests joined the order of the presbyterste and duly welcomed by their colleagues. It is indeed a great moment of joy to finish the long Seminary Formation years at the Ordination ground. Kudos to Seminary formatters, vocation teams, pastors, parents and all the faithful who have made this journey with their loved ones.

This joyous celebration of the priesthood and Ordination into the priesthood was largely attended by the Clergy and Religious of the Keta-Akatsi Diocese and other Dioceses, the faithful from all walks of life.

One Comment

  1. Fr Simone
    17 Aug 2024 14:05:50 Reply

    God bless all for coming.

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