The Christian Burial of the Late Rev. Fr. John Kwame Odzangba aka OJ


Fr. John Kwame Odzangba has worked in the then Keta-Ho Diocese and has worked in the Keta-Akatsi Diocese in many Parishes. Until his demise, he was the Priest Chaplain for the Richard Novati Hospital.
He served God faithfully, touched the lives of many faithful in the various places he worked.
His smile, even in difficult times was very infectious.
The Keta-Akatsi Diocese has lost a Priest whose impart on the Clergy, Religious and parishioners will remain a vacuum.
Fr. John was full of life and hhad a lot of fun’s with the Priests and Religious in our last Christmas Get-Together in December 2023.

In his homily, Most Rev. Gabriel Edoe Kumordji, SVD encouraged all who came from far and near, to commit the soul of Fr. John to the Lord in prayer. ‘ your lost is our lost’ , the Bishop’s words of condolences to the Biological family. He dedicated himself to the Church, the Bishop stated.

Fr. John was full of life and loved to share his joy with all.
Indeed, the words of St. Paul in his Epistle to the Romans, comes clearer: ‘none of us lives for himself’, OJ lived, not for himself, but for all. He knew that his life is not for him, and all Christians must understand this, that we live for Christ, and we die for him.
Fr. John offered himself as a sacrifice for many, he embraced the life of total dedication for others. He was a Pastoral minded person, he loved to work in the rural areas. He was a true disciple of Jesus. He is a good pastor and has mentored many young men who became priests.
This is a man who endured his trials and difficulties in silence trusting in the Lord. He suffered silently, yet none of that turned him away from the Lord. He dedicated rather to be helpful to all who were in need.
The demise of Fr. John is a shock, yet a moment to reflect on our own lives.
May our prayers for him be pleasing to God.
Eternal Rest grant unto him Oh Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him.
May his soul Rest In Peace with the Lord. Amen!

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