St. Michael Catholic Church, Sasieme @ 100!


The St. Michael Catholic Church in Sasieme in Afife Parish of the Keta-Akatsi Diocese marks 100 years Anniversary of Catholicism; its development, prospects, and future. The Parish Priest, Rev. Fr. Franklin Worlanyo ADZAHO, the Parish Council of Sacred Heart Parish, Afife and the entire faithful, the celebration committee, and people of Sasieme planned and worked tirelessly to make this celebration a successful one. It is a joyous celebration attended by the Bishop, Most Rev. Gabriel Edoe Kumordji, SVD, Priests and Religious, the people, Chiefs, Christ’s Faithful from many parts of the Diocese, home and abroad.

In his keynote address, Rev. Fr. Shane DEGBLOR reiterated the fact that, the history of a people reveals their identity. ‘To know your history is to know your identity’, he stated. Uncovering the history of the St. Michael Catholic Church of Sasieme, Fr. Shane made it clear that the seed of evangelisation planted by Mr. Stephen Fiamafle of blessed memory far back in 1924 has grown and that is what we celebrate today. The return of Mr. Stephen to Sasieme saw the birth of a school in the house of the chief (Fia feme). His intention was to enable his local people to benefit from formal education. Through the hard work of some pioneers, the School got grounds and through the approval of Bishop Augustin Herman the church was established alongside the school.

The Pastoral works of Priests of the Society of African Missions in the then Keta Cathedral Parish saw the growth of Sasieme Church speedily. Various Missionary groups, like the SMA, Comboni, among others, have really impacted the growth of Catholicism in Sasieme. The ernomous works of other Diocesan Priests and Seminarians cannot be underestimated. It really calls for celebration.

Today, when we gather to celebrate these momentous relics of evangelization, we admit that 100 years of Catholicism will definitely be slapped with many challenges. Amidst all these, the Samieme Church of 100 years has no mission house. There is therefor the need to ”…rise and let us build” (Neh. 2:18). This is a clarion call to all Sasieme based and diaspora, Clergy and Religious, other benevolent donors to support this major challenge.

The St. Michael Catholic Church in Sasieme is also blessed with Three (3) Priests and Three (3) Sisters. Out of these, Rev. Fr. John Tasiame is late. We pray for the peaceful repose of his gentle soul and the souls of all who have worked tirelessly nurturing the seed of Catholicism in Sasieme these 100 years.

Indeed, knowing your past gives you wisdom, in wisdom you avoid past mistakes. The great works of the past therefore calls for celebration. Let us continue to celebrate our histories and grow our future with the hope that, the seed of Catholicism never dies, no matter the challenges. God bless you all!

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